WXT, a Web and Xml Tool
from Ostfold College
: Introduction > Documentation > The PIs >Xref

PI: xref

The purpose is to produce a reference to an other page. xref introduces (X)HTML-elements: a and optionally img.

<?_wxt xref pageid="" text="" image=""?>

The parameters are:

pageid (mandatory) Identification of the page we want to refer to. A page may be identified either by name as given in the script, or by a partial path. If the pagid is ambigiuos, the first match in a preorder traversal of the pages is used.
text (optional) A text that will appear in the produced a-element. If this parameter is omitted, the pages name is used.
image (optional) The URI to an image that will show the link. The text-parameter, if submitted is used as alt-attribute in the produced img-element. WXT reckognize the value "_thumb" as the thumb specified in the script for the referenced page.
target (optional) To facilitate use of frames on a webpage. The refreneced page will be opened in the targeted frame.
listname (optional) Will add this reference to a referencelist. May be a commaseparated list of listnames. See reflist

A few generic page identificators are reckognized:

  • _next : The next page in a preorder traversal of the pagestructure, or this page if last
  • _prev : The previuos page in a preorder traversal of the pagestructure, or this page if first
  • _home : The first child of the group root in a preorder traversal of the pagestructure
  • _parent: The parent in the pagestructure, or this page if parent is root
  • _firstchild: The first child of the page, or this page if no children
  • _nextsibling: The next sibling of the page, or this page if no nest sibling
  • _prevsibling: The previous sibling of the page, or this page if no previous sibling

You may set up an xref to a page in an other group by prefixing the pagid by groupname#.

A few examples:

<?_wxt xref pageid="_next" image="gfx/next.gif" text="next"?>
<?_wxt xref pageid="_next" image="_thumb" text="next"?>
<?_wxt xref pageid="page4.html"?>
<?_wxt xref pageid="Masterpages#index.html"?>

WXT, a Web and Xml Tool from Ostfold College: http://www.ia.hiof.no/~borres/wxtdoc/

Bygget med WXT : 11.jan.2009