WXT, a Web and Xml Tool
from Ostfold College
: Introduction > Documentation > The PIs >Menu TOC

PI: tocmenu

The purpose is to set up a TOC of the type typical for a left-column menu on a webpage. The menu shows the following entries, all within a group:

  • the current page and
  • all siblings
  • all children
  • all ancestors
  • all pages on level one, that is direct children of the root (the group)
<?_wxt tocmenu cols="1" left="" right="" divider=""?>

The parameters are:

cols (optional) Number of columns. Default is "1".
left (optional) A string that will appear left of all entries. Default is the empty string.
right (optional) A string that will appear right of all entries. Default is the empty string.
divider (optional) A string that will appear between all entries. Default is the empty string.
target (optional) To facilitate use of frames on a webpage. The refreneced entries will be opened in this frame.

The involved style-classes are of the form: tocmenu-n and tocmenu-an. n is a number greater or equal to 0, and indicates the level of the page. 0 is used when parameter cols is 0. a is used for the active, current page. See Styling

WXT, a Web and Xml Tool from Ostfold College: http://www.ia.hiof.no/~borres/wxtdoc/

Bygget med WXT : 11.jan.2009