WXT, a Web and Xml Tool
from Ostfold College
: Introduction > Documentation > The PIs >Collect

PI: collect

The purpose is to collect fragments from other pages.

<?_wxt collect pages="" xpath=""?>

The parameters are:

pagepath (optional) Identifies the pages we will collect from by an xpath which is applied on the script. For instance "//page" which means all pages in the script. No default.
pages (optional) Identifies the pages we will collect from. Pages may be identified by a comma-separated list. Each entry in the list may be a pagename or a (partial) path to the pages file. Each entry may have appendix "+" which indicates that all children of the page is included. Pages from an other group may be included with groupname# as prefix. No default.
book (optional) Identifies the pages we will collect from by attribute book. May be a commaseparated list of book-id's. Pages are identified across groups. No default.
xpath (mandatory) An xpath that identifies the fragments we want to collect from each of the selected pages.

The three selection methods (book, pagepath, pages) may be combined, but a page is selcted only once.

A few examples using pagepath (remember that the path must select elements of type page):

<?_wxt collect pagepath="//group[@name='Group4']/page"
<?_wxt collect pagepath="//group[@name="Chapter2"]/descendant-or-self::page"
<?_wxt collect pagepath="//group[@name="Chapter2" or @name="Chapter3"]/descendant-or-self::page"

A few examples using pages:

<?_wxt collect pages="A,pages/c.xml+,ref"
           xpath="//div[@class='collectable']/*" ?>
<?_wxt collect pages="Group4#_all"

WXT, a Web and Xml Tool from Ostfold College: http://www.ia.hiof.no/~borres/wxtdoc/

Bygget med WXT : 11.jan.2009