SiteLite Documentation

The Script

The Script File

[ Site part ] [ Page part ] [ Template part ] [ Replace part ] [ Collect part ]
[ Option Part ] [ Sample Script ]

Essentially this file describes the structure of your web site. The script file is a text file that can be prepared and edited in any editor that saves your work in plain text. You may also edit it directly in SiteLite.

The script consists of 5 parts:

  • the Site part
  • the Page part
  • the Template part, may be empty
  • the Replace part, may be empty
  • the Collect part, may be empty
  • the Option part, may be empty

These parts may occur in any order in the script. There are two demands on sequence:

  • The sequence of the page-lines must reflect the sequence of pages, and blocks, you want in the site.
  • The sequence of replace-lines are executed in the sequence they are given. If you, for some perverse reason, plan cascading replace effects you should watch this.

All lines that are blank or starts with "//" are ignored.
All text between /* and */ is ignored.

Site part

Line Description
CATALOG= full path to site catalogue on disk
LAYOUT= a single char, type of site. frame or noframe: F|N
TEMPLATES= full path to catalogue with page templates. This may be omitted if the template section
is used or if each page line assign an individual template to the page, see below.
KEYWORDS= comma separated keywords for the site
RESOURCES= simple catalogue name. Direct child of site catalogue. This is where layout resources, images and the styleshhet, are stored
MESSAGE= any string or html-string. Inserted at bottom of pages.
SITENAME= any string or html-string. Appears as top banner
ORG= a complete URL to the organisation associated with the site
SITEAUTHOR= a complete URL or mailto

Page part

consists of any number of page lines. All page lines may be followed by any number of block lines and based_on lines. A block-line identifies content files that will be filled into the page, and a based_on-lines are explicit cross-references which are independent of the overall hierarchical structure of the site. Cross references will appear below table of content in the left column in no-frame pages in the original templates.

[text] means that text may be omitted.

A page line has this form:


  • indent is the level in the site hierarchy, 1 is on top
  • type is any char that matches a template file. Predefined types are
    • F: frame definition file in a frame solution.(F must be used for this purpose only)
    • L: left is table of content frame in a frame solution.(L must be used for this purpose only)
    • T: top is title frame in a frame solution.(T must be used for this purpose only)
    • I: homepage. (I must be used for this purpose only)
    • C: page with complete table of contents,sitemap
    • P: other page
    • X: index page
    • any other letter that identifies a template you have defined
  • name is any name for the page
  • filename is one of three:
    • a filename relative to site catalogue
    • a complete URL. This has only meaning when the site is based on frames.
    • omitted. In this case the name of the page will simply appear as a heading or separator in tables of contents.
  • templatefile overrides predefined templates for this page type. Must be complete path.
  • author is any text, but is normally a complete link, href or mailto
  • msg: any string or html-string. Inserted at bottom of pages.
  • option is one of two:
    • K: keep this page's body as is (so you don't have to use separat files for contents, blocks, but it is a very good idea to do it)
    • M: make this page from blocks on each rebuild
  • hide Must be H if present. Hides this page from all tables of content

A block line has this form:

BLOCK,filename, deprecated

  • BLOCKS: or BLOCK, indicates that this is a list of blocks, and that their content will be extracted and inserted into the nearest page above in the script.
  • filename is a filename relative to the site catalogue

A based-on line has the following form:


  • BASED_ON: indicates that this is a cross reference list.
  • pagename is exactly the name given in the referenced pages pageline.


Template part

is optional and may consist of any number of lines of type:


  • pagetype: A character that will be used on pagelines to identify this template
  • type: Either F or N, for Frames or Noframes. If omitted, the template is supposed to work in accordance with the type given by the LAYOUT= - line
  • template: Full path and filename to the template file

Following may be considered automatically defined if you have used the original templates that come with SiteLite (assuming TEMPLATES=C:\mysite\templates\):

  // common, used by SiteLite

  //for noframe sites

  //for frame sites

If you omit the template section completely you must either be sure that the files listed above exists in the templates catalogue specified in TEMPLATES=, or you will have to assign individual template files for each page in the page section.

If you reuse any of the above letters (A,B,C,F,I,L,P,T,W,X) you override the default template definition associated with this letter.


Replace part

is optional.

Any number of lines of one of the four following types.

RSIMPLE=sout,sin replaces sout with sin
RDOUBLE=left,right,sin replaces any text between left and right with sin
R1QUOTE=key,sin replaces first quoted text after key with sin
R2QUOTE=key1,key2,sin replaces first quoted text after key2 after key1 with sin

Note that these replaces are done in all published pages as they are generated. They have no effect on the source blocks. If you want to make global changes in your site, including blocks, you may use the general replace tool in SiteLite.

The sin parameter may be a reference to a .html or .txt file that will be inserted. If the sin parameter starts with #A# the rest of the string is interpreted as an absolute filename. If it starts with #R# the the string is interpreted as a filename relative to the site catalogue.

Collect part

is optional.

Any number of lines of the following type.

COLLECT: leftin, rightin, leftshow, rightshow, linestart, option

  • leftin Any text that serves as a left bracket for html-text that will be collected.
  • rightin Any text that serves as a right bracket for html-text that will be collected.
  • leftshow Any text that serves as a left bracket for where the collection will be presented.
  • rightshow Any text that serves as a right bracket for where the collection will be presented.
  • linestart Any html-text that be inserted befor all the elements in the collection.
  • option May be L or N. L: the collected elements will link back to the page where the element was collected. N: no such link.

A collectline instructs SiteLite to collect all textelements between all occurences of leftin and rightin, inserts linestart before the elements and presents the complete list between leftshow and rightshow.

The line will collect all h6-headings in a list with <li> as a separator and present the list at all places in the site where the tags <!--h6list-->,<!--endofh6list--> appears. Since the option is L, the list-entries will link back to the page where the headings appear. The presentation page may look like this:
<ol>< !--h6list--> <!--endofh6list--></ol>

Note that the COLLECT command may also distribute one element or a list of elements to many places in the site.

Option Part

Two option are defined at the moment.

You may insert a line:


xx may have the following values:
  • BULLET - This makes the pagerelevant table of contents, the one in the left bar, with a bullet at the current page.
  • NOBULLET - This makes the table with different style on the name of the current page.

Inspect the styles. clevel and aclevel in the stylesheet.

You may insert a line:


xx may have the following values:
  • SORT - Pageentries in index tables are sorted alphabetically.
  • NOSORT - Pageentries in index tables are sorted sequentially.

NOSORT is default.

Sample Script

This SiteLite documentation is made by the following script: SiteLite ScriptFile
