SiteLite Documentation

Odds and ends

Odds and ends

A short list of some of the things you may do with SiteLite without digging deep into the templates.
  • You may insert the tag < !--TOTOP--> anywhere in your material. SiteLite replaces this tag by a small arrow, up.gif, and a link to the top of the page. All templates for which it is relevant have a matching anchor at the top.

  • SiteLite build a page-local table of contents at the top of pages. This table of local contents are constructed from headings. The table is placed below the first h1- heading found. The entries are all h2-headings in the page. If you don't want his to happen, you put the tag
    < !--NOLOCALTOC--> anywhere in any of the blocks for the page.

  • SiteLite build an indextable with all entries that you mark with the singel tag <!--INX:keyword--> anywhere in the text. keywrd may be any text. The indextable is placed in the structure shown in template nf_ix_template.html.

  • SiteLite can collect any list of words or textbits, order it in a list and place this list one or more places in the site. This is controlled by a COLLECt-line in the script. The format is:
    COLLECT til,tir,tol,tor,li,option
    where til and tir tags the pieces to collect and tol and tor tags the output. li is any text you want to put in the start of eact entry in the list, for instance <br>. option may be L (link back) or N (no link).

  • The I-pages, f_i_template and nf_i_template, has a tag for notices:
    < !--NOTICE-->< !--ENDOFNOTICE--> which may be combined with a replace in the site script to flash news or messages. For instance:
    RDOUBLE=< !--NOTICE-->< !--ENDOFNOTICE-->,Under construction
    RDOUBLE=< !--NOTICE-->< !--ENDOFNOTICE--> ,#R#myflashfile.html
    where myflashfile may contain for instance an applet. You can simply comment this line out when you don't need it for a while.

  • The Tools menu has a Replace command that works on any selection of .html or .txt files in the sites catalogue. You may do simple replace of text or you may repace a text with a file. You assign the filename as #A#filename or #R#filename, where A tells SiteLite to interpret filename as an absolute path and R tells SiteLite to interpret filename as a path relative to the sites catalogue.

  • You may extract all text from a site and and place it in a file, textonly.txt. Use menu: Tools - Extract Text. The generated file is placed directly in the site catalogue. It may be useful for editing the text or pieces of the text for other purposes than web publication.

  • bYou may extract all content from a site and and place it in a long html page, pall.html. Use menu: Tools - Make printable page. The generated file is placed directly in the site catalogue. The main purpose is to prepare for complete print of your site. The page may also serve as a usable web-page for very simple sites. Most references are converted but you will experience that images with the same name may be mixed up. If you plan to use this extracting command you should use unique files names all through your site, independent of your catalog structure. This is a good idea in general, it also makes it easier to fix broken crossreferences.

    You may not automatically include this big page as an integrated part of your site in the sense that it appears on table of contents and sitemaps, but you are of course free to include a link to it on one of your pages.

    It may be an idea to open pall.html in MS-Word and take it from there as a Word-document.
