SiteLite Documentation


Frames or not

It is of course up to you if you want to use frames or not. There are a few things worth noticing about the two layout schemes.

SiteLite supports only a simple frame structure with a left frame mainly for table of contents, a top frame for site name, and a main, right frame for contents. You may not redefine this scheme by adding new frames with any functionality. SiteLite will recognise new framepages but will not give them any special treatment in the form of references from one frame to another etc.

In most cases you may go back and forth between the frame-layout and the noframe-layout simply by changing the LAYOUT= - line in the script file. If your basic design is noframe (N), and you change it to frame (F), SiteLite automatically produces the necessary frame related pages when necessary. You don't have to specify the F,L and T type pages explicitly in the script file, unless you want to assign blocks to the either of them.

It is possible and easy to make some changes to the frame layout scheme by editing the file f_f_template.html, and possibly f_t_template.html and f_l_template.html.

The frame layout opens up for an interesting possibility for cooperation. You may include in your site pages that are located elsewhere. You may for instance include a line like:

    1,P,Børres page,,,,,K

This inserts "Børre page" in the table of content and shows the URL in the main frame. This way you can administrate sites with contributions from other authors. Note that no replaces takes place on pages which are imported this way. So each contributor should sign her own page.

This inclusion of URLs does also work with noframe layout, but since the imported page probably has no structure information that binds it to your site, the only way back into your structure is the browsers back-button. There is however an interesting variant of this theme. The page Studentpage, gives a scheme for how you can include students home pages into a course site.
