WXT, a Web and Xml Tool
from Ostfold College
: Introduction > Documentation > The Script >TextContent

Script: textcontent-element

A page page is populated by content. A page may have any number of content-, textcontent- or dbcontent elements.

A textcontent file can be any textfile, and must thus not be wellformed XML. See the processing instruction PI:import-text for a further explanation of how the actual import-command may be taylored.

  <textcontent location=""/>

A textcontent element have the following attributes:

location An URI which may be absolute (file or http) or a relative to the owning groups location. The textcontent will be read from this location.
backup(optional) An URI which will serve as an alternative location if the URI in location is unavalable.
leftpar(optional) A string determining the start of the text that should be imported
rightpar(optional) A string determining the end of the text that should be imported
select (optional) Has only meaning when leftpar and rightpar is set. Select describes which of possibly many text fragments that should be included. Possible values are:
  • all
  • random
  • n:m
all is default. random picks one fragment at random fromr the available textfragments.
n and m are integers describing low and hi index of the fragments we want to use. Indexing starts at 1. select="1" use the first fragment. Negative numbers start counting in the right end, select="-1" selects the last fragment. select="1:3" select the three first fragments.
replace (optional) Will do a simple replace in the collected string, before possible codeformatting or parsing. Format is replace="old|new". Will replace "old" with "new". The divider, |, may be changed by option: replace_divider in script. | is default. You may have many replaces: replace, replace1,replace2 etc. Not suitable for large replace operations, just for simple masking of addresses, passwords etc.
transformation(optional) A transformation that should be applied to the source before the text is extracted

leftpar, rightpar and transformation may also be specified in the actual import PI, see: PI:import-text, and overrides the specification given here in the script-element.

A textcontent element can not have any children.


  <textcontent location="../../myprograms/prog1.c"/>

WXT, a Web and Xml Tool from Ostfold College: http://www.ia.hiof.no/~borres/wxtdoc/

Bygget med WXT : 11.jan.2009