WXT, a Web and Xml Tool
from Ostfold College
: Introduction > Documentation > The Script >Addressing

Script: addressing-element

Addressing elements may appear anywhere in a script, and effects all pagebuilding within its scope.

  <addressing tagname="" attribute="">

The two attributes are mandatory, and are explained below.

WXT has a mechanisme for recalculating references when necessary. By default the following attributes are recalculated:

  • <img src ... >
  • <a href ... >
  • <link href ... >

You may extend this repetoire by an addressing element, like this:

  <addressing tagname="applet" attribute="codebase">

You may turn off the addressing mechanisme completely (to save processing time) by this:

  <addressing tagname="_none" attribute="_none">

An addressing element may have no children.

WXT, a Web and Xml Tool from Ostfold College: http://www.ia.hiof.no/~borres/wxtdoc/

Bygget med WXT : 11.jan.2009