SiteLite 2.0

Download and updates

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The program
Download SiteLite20.exe and run.
This documentation
Download allpages.pdf. This documentation as a pdf-file. You can download Acrobate Reader free from Adobe if you dont have it installed.
Since Microsoft Explorer seems to have doubts about pdf, use right button and "Save as".
Demo sites
Download a package of demo sites.
Unzip, browse, inspect and change.
You may have a look at them here:
Contributions If you have interesting sites an/or templates and/or resources, let me know and I will leave a reference or a zipped copy here for download.

Neither me nor Ostfold College take any responsibility for any damage caused by the program or the use of it. SiteLite is downloaded and used completely at your own risk. Reasonable measures has been taken to ensure that what you download is what it is meant to be.


Date What is new
2002-06-19 Bugfix
Indexes are sorted independant of upper/lower case.
Multiple collections are allowed on one page.
2002-02-27 Bugfix
SiteLite has in some special cases generated erronous image refs in printpages (aggregated pages). The problem occurred when two images on the same page had names of type: undef.gif and def.gif, that is one files name was the same as the end of another files name. This is now fixed.
2002-01-07 Bugfix
SiteLite has generated erronous list of children in response to the SINGLETOC element. This is now fixed.
2001-08-23 Bugfix/Enhancement
SiteLite has had problems with "mixed" imageref's. That is some refs from block and some prepared as from from page. These problems are now removed.
2001-07-25 Bugfix
Patching with STRUCTURE removes attributes, and does thus perform as expected.
2001-06-11 Bugfix
Printpages has not referenced two ocurrances of same image in one page correctly. This is now corrected.
2001-05-09 Small format adjustment
SiteLites stamp on a site is reduced from "Built by SiteLite 20" to "SiteLite 20".
2001-04-26 Extended feature:
The element PATCH has proved usefull and has been expanded with one option. It is now possible to write:
The attribute STRUCTURE instructs SiteLite to collect from file according to the following priority: If a BLOCK-element exists, its content is chosen, if a BODY element its content is chosen, if a HTML-element exists its content is chosen. Else the whole file is chosen (same as with no STRUCTURE attribute or STRUCTURE ="OFF")
2001-04-06 Direct links:
SiteLite will now allow relative filenames combined with build-option 'N'. This means that it is possible to include an "alien" page in tables of contents. Since the referenced page is not touched by SiteLite, user is responsible for making a "return-link" if so needed. This possibility has only been available for absolute URL's.
2001-01-30 Changed build strategy:
SiteLite will no parse the script prior to all build (and check) operations. This will reduce the performance slightly, but will assure that changes in referenced files i REPLACE commands are up to date. This simplified logic will also assure that collections and indexes are built fresh for each pagebuild.
2001-01-30 Safer input:
More robust parsing of script. No changes in allowed formats, but a better strategy for eliminating obvious meaningless whitespace.
2001-01-08 Bugfix:
The sequence of page-parameters in the helpbox was wrong. Author comes before Message.
2000-12-23 New Feature:
The replace tool (menu: Tools-> Replace) now takes a file as input text. Filename is interpreted as relative to sitecatalog, full filepath or url
2000-12-22 New Feature:
New element introduced. PATCH. Collects a file "as-is" and places its content as a replacement for the tag.
My name:<!--PATCH FILENAME="myname.txt"/-->at all times
will be:
My name:Børre Stenseth at all times
Filename is interpreted as relative to sitecatalog, full filepath or url
2000-12-18 Bugfix:
Unknown pagename in a BASED_ON line in the script caused SiteLite to crash.
Such is no longer the case. The situation is reported as error.
2000-12-15 New feature:
Element TRAIL introduced. Makes entries of this type:
home > chapter > page
Use: <!--TRAIL--><!--/TRAIL-->
2000-12-11 Bug fix:
Possible loop-forever situation in replace command from the script is corrected.
2000-12-08 Increased flexibility in the script:
Since SiteLite runs on Windows the native fileseparator is backslash (\). SiteLite 2.0 has been very strict on this point and has tried to interpret all locations in a script with a forward slash (/) as an URL. It si now possible to work with forward slashes also in filepaths. Use menu: Attributes > When building, and check the attribute: Allow forward slashes. A consequence of using this option is that all URL's must be stated explicitely, that is starting with http://.
2000-11-07 Bug fix: Address calculation for images in page resulting from "Make a printable Page" corrected.
2000-11-06 Bug fix: Type in pagerelevant table of contents corrected.
2000-10-16 New Feature: Two new elements are introduced: PAGENO and PAGECOUNT. Usefull when making "slides"-series with SiteLite. See bottom of page Elements.
2000-10-16 BugFix: Indexes was reported wrong in certain combinations of building multiple sites in sequence. Corrected.
2000-09-26 BugFix: Printpage corrected.
2000-09-20 BugFix: Building is corrected so that Indexes and Collections are not accumulating from one build to another. You must build all to make correct (complete) indexes and collections.
2000-09-20 BugFix: Correction style used by SiteLite to stamp a site.
2000-09-15 The possibility to use c-type comments, /* */,to mask multiple lines is removed due to loss of data on save.
2000-09-03 SiteLite 2.0 launched.


SiteLite 2.0 offers an automatic upgrade of your site from version 1.5. When SiteLite reads a script without the line: VERSION=2.0, it assumes that the script is a description of a site built with version 1.5. SiteLite offers to convert the site. In this case SiteLite inspects and attempts to update all templates and all blocks in the site, in addition to the script itself. It is a good idea to make a backup copy of the site before you allow an automatic update.

SiteLite does not do anything with the style sheet file during update. You should in particular consider copying the section below into your style sheet:

/* == styles hardcoded by SITELITE =====*/

/* Page relevant toc (left bar) */
font-size: small;

.clevel0{ margin-left:0px;}
.clevel1{ margin-left:7px;
.clevel2{ margin-left:14px;}
.clevel3{ margin-left:21px;}
.clevel4{ margin-left:28px;}
.clevel5{ margin-left:35px;}
.clevel6{ margin-left:42px;}
.clevel7{ margin-left:49px;}
.clevel8{ margin-left:49px;}
.clevel9{ margin-left:49px;}
.clevel10{ margin-left:49px;}
font-size: small;

.aclevel0{ margin-left:0px;}
.aclevel1{ margin-left:7px;
.aclevel2{ margin-left:14px;}
.aclevel3{ margin-left:21px;}
.aclevel4{ margin-left:28px;}
.aclevel5{ margin-left:35px;}
.aclevel6{ margin-left:42px;}
.aclevel7{ margin-left:49px;}
.aclevel8{ margin-left:49px;}
.aclevel9{ margin-left:49px;}
.aclevel10{ margin-left:49px;}

/*  on sitemap pages */
font-size: small;

.tlevel0{ margin-left:0px;}
.tlevel1{ margin-left:7px;
.tlevel2{ margin-left:14px;}
.tlevel3{ margin-left:21px;}
.tlevel4{ margin-left:28px;}
.tlevel5{ margin-left:35px;}
.tlevel6{ margin-left:42px;}
.tlevel7{ margin-left:49px;}
.tlevel8{ margin-left:49px;}
.tlevel9{ margin-left:49px;}
.tlevel10{ margin-left:49px;}

/* local toc*/
.localtoc{ font-size:smallest;}

.basedon{ font-size:small;  
          font-style: italic; 

/* on index pages */
.indexkeyword{  font-size:small; 
                font-weight: bold; 
.indexentry{    font-size:small; 
                font-weight: normal; 

/* ====== END OF styles hardcoded by SITELITE =====*/
/* heading for */
  font-family: "Geneva", "Verdana", "Arial", sans-serif;
  font-weight: normal;

/* bottom of pages, author, date, message etc. */
  font-family: "Geneva", "Verdana", "Arial", sans-serif;

/* bottom without offset. */
  font-family: "Geneva", "Verdana", "Arial", sans-serif;

Vevsted: B Stenseth
Modul: B Stenseth
Bygget: June 24, 2002